Condoleezza Rice: To VP, or Not to VP?

For any of you who missed Friday’s reporting of the Romney VP whisperings, Condoleezza Rice, the former Secretary of State under the Bush Administration, could potentially be at the front of the pack. We can all imagine how exhausting, yet important, the VP Candidate vetting process is for the Romney Campaign. Even before Romney reaches out to discuss moving to our Nation’s Capital for the next four years in the very first conversation with a potential VP Candidate, the team will have spent countless hours debating, analyzing and postulating reaction to all different kinds of politicians–from the well established politician to the freshly minted Tea Party favorites.


The Vice President of the United States is an unusual, often times even undesired, political position. You are second in command to the greatest Super Power in the World, but you have little control over the administration’s (which by the way carries your name) direction in the event that you and your boss differ on any particular policy. And from the other perspective, you are responsible for standing behind the administration–and specifically the President’s politics–for better or worse. Continue reading